Saturday, April 19, 2008

Setting Modem Nokia CDMA 2115i

Getting Started

Instalasi Kabel Data DKU-5 dan Modem Nokia 2115i/2116
Anda harus terlebih dahulu memiliki kabel data DKU-5:

1. Masukkan CD Instalasi DKU-5 dari Nokia(jangan hubungkan ponsel dengan USB komputer terlebih dahulu)2. Pilih Instalasi Driver DKU-5
3. Hubungkan Handset dengan port USB
4. Saat ada pesan “found new hardware” dan ditanyakan drivernya,
pilih detect automatically (CD DKU-5 tetap harus berada di CD ROM)
5. Kabel DKU-5 telah terinstall di PC Anda

Instalasi Driver Modem Nokia 2115iDownload file Modem Driver untuk Nokia 2115i (nmpCDMA2000_1x.inf).

1. Pilih Program > Control Panel > Phone and Modem Options
2. Pilih tab Modem, klik Add
3. Check “Dont’ detect my modem”
4. Pilih “Have Disk”
5. Saat ditanyakan, cari lokasi dimana Anda menyimpan file nmpCDMA2000_1x.inf
yang telah Anda download, klik OK
6. Pilih “3G packet Modem”
7. Pilih Port yang paling besar (jangan pilih all ports)
8. Modem Nokia telah terinstall di PC Anda
9. Buat Koneksi Internet baru dengan memilih Nokia 3G packet data sebagai modem

Cara Membuat Koneksi Internet Baru

1. Pilih Program > All Programs > Accessories > Communications > Network Connections
2. Pilih File > New Connections
3. Klik Next, pilih “Connect to the Internet”
4. Pilih “Set up My Connection manually”
5. Pilih “Connect using a dial-up modem”
6. Pilih handset yang ingin Anda gunakan sebagai modem (Nokia)
7. Masukkan nama provider CDMA (Mobile-8/StarOne/Esia) sebagai nama ISP Anda
8. Masukkan #777 sebagai nomor dial up ISP
9. Pilih Anyone’s use untuk koneksi ini
10. Masukkan m8 sebagai username dan password untuk Fren,
username: starone dan password: indosat untuk StarOne,
esia sebagai username dan password untuk Esia
11. Check “Add Shortcut”, klik “Finish”
12. Connect ke Internet menggunakan koneksi Mobile-8/StarOne/Esia yang telah Anda buat


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Network Connection Settings

Installation driver and the application of its(the supporter done to be automatic, but we still must do x'self setting Internet to earn incircuit. When completed installation, window the application of Mobile Connect would automatically emerges. Setting done from menu Settings, then clicked Network Connection Settings.

Because has just first time applies Mobile Connect, has not there are setting something here. We must make new profile beforehand. This can do with clicking New.

We must give name of profile, takes example Indosat. Number which must be turned around ( authentification number at menu) be * 99# ( this differs from picture because Digit@l to apply examination unit). Choice APN is static and Indosat filled in is indosatm2, authentication protocol PAP ( Password Authentication Protocol). Setting rest at IP, DNS, and WINS is dynamic. Setting is kept with clicking Save. Then we are exit with clicking OK.


At the application of Mobile Connect we can see type koneksi which is available ( GPRS or 3G). For incircuit we must click Connect. If(when there is no your computer problem would incircuit to Internet applies network seluler Indosat.

What with conection HSDPA told available? At its(the practice this has not effective. Digit@l tries conection from some places in Jakarta, that is station Digit@l, Senayan, and Tebet. In all that places speed of access Internet GPRS Counter have never shown speed more than 50 kbps.

Besides, Digit@l also measures the speed by using speedometer utility of bandwidth alias koneksi from Indosat.

This utility bases on web and made available from situs This utility applied to koneksi Internet using network Indosat. Measurement yield applies this non far utility differed from GPRS Counter.

Conclusion got from usage: though starts improved to the existing HSDPA of network Indosat ( at least in certain places), at its(the practice GPRS still. We must be awaiting until capacities HSDPA really can be felt by consumer.

Test Drive Modem ZTE MF320 from XL

For laptop or notebook XL provides modem package PCMCIA from ZTE. This modem has supported network technology UMTS property of XL.

Modem seluler other operator discussed in by this edition is modem USB. Because USB port have been universal in each new computer, hence this modem can be attached either at desktop computer and also laptop. XL takes other approach by offering modem ZTE MF320, what applies expansion slot PC Card ( PCMCIA) inveterate met at laptop.

Usage of modem PCMCIA limits its(the usage only at portable computer only. Of course this is not problem if from beginning of we intended terkoneksi to Internet via network seluler only if(when was traveling.

On The Other Side Digit@l finds this unnecessary modem of additional setting after attached. This is not like most other modem, seluler or not. Of course this will gladden consumer that is confused ordinary with various parameters setting. But this must be paid with flexibility: this ZTE modem can only be applied at operator XL only, and only at card Xplor.
