Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Instalasi Driver Sound Card Acer eMachines eMD725

instalasi driver souncard pada eMD725 ini kita tidak dapat langsung menjalankan setup.exe yang ada pada CD Driver bawaannya, namun sebelumnya kita harus menginstall MUAA Busdriver (Microsoft Universal Audio Architecture), setelahnya baru dilanjutkan dengan menjalankan file setup.exe untuk driver soundnya.

Download : Microsoft UAA Bus Driver for High Definition Audio

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cara Instal laptop baru

Install XP sp2 in notebook with SATA harddisk ?

Always appear command :
“Setup did not find any hard disk drive installed in your computer”

CD WinXP couldnot read the hard disk drive. Firstly, I thought the problem is in Harddisk.
After I check the harddisk, it still couldnot read. Then I Ask Google and I get the Answer.You should check the BIOS setting.

To change SATA Mode : AHCI
become SATA Mode : IDE

Monday, May 11, 2009

Due to an unidentified problem, Windows cannot display Windows Firewall settings

I answer,Really? Here is fine..”, and then I walk to another room, to know whats wrong. “Funny, workgroup Local Area Network (LAN) is fine, internet OK, but why computer in another room couldnot access interne?”.
Internet connection in my office was share with Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) by Windows XP,so one ofcompoter with two LAN Card, one for input internet cable, the other for output to LAN. The logica, if workgroup connection is fine , internet ok, and computer with two lan card is on, so otomatically all of the computer could access internet

After check here and there,finnally I know the problem, Infact Internet Connection Sharing could shut down was caused by trojan and Windows Firewall at computer with two LANcard could not be access. After I clik was appear message “Due to an unidentified problem, Windows cannot display Windows Firewall settings.”

With the helper Google, I start to surfing, and as usual, finnally I found the ways :

1. Download sharedaccess.reg, (only for Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Service Pack 3), then double clik the file for merge to registry windows.

2. Restart computer.

3. Clik Start –> Run, Do the command

4. Try to open Windows Firewall, if it didnot work.

5. Clik Start –> Run,Do the command

rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection Ndi-Steelhead 132 %windir%\inf\netrass.inf

6. Restart computer.